Community Acupuncture Re-Opening

Community Acupuncture Toronto

First day back running the community clinic @theherbalclinic ! ?⁣

So glad to be able to offer a percentage of my practice for drop-in, ?????????? ???? sessions. ⁣ For more about community acupuncture, see my page on community acupuncture.

I’ll be running the shift on ?????????, ?-???. ⁣

We are doing a ????? ??? of ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ? ???? (must be booked the day before).

See below for more details & COVID 19 protocols ? ??⁣

Posted @withregram • @theherbalclinic Our Community Acupuncture Clinic is back in business ?? Starting Sept. 1st our acupuncture clinic will be opening back up with some modifications, of course. Our practitioners will be available for drop-in pay-what-you-can acupuncture from Tuesday to Friday. ⁣

Our NEW schedule is: ⁣
Tuesday 3-7pm with Emily⁣
Wednesday 2-6pm with Laura⁣
Thursday 3-7pm with Emily⁣
Friday 12-5pm with Tehseen⁣

Here’s how we’ve modified our clinic practices to keep you safe:⁣

⚠️Masks must be worn by everyone throughout the treatment and while inside the clinic⁣
⚠️Spaces have been reduced to 5 patients at a time, these spaces are socially distanced and separated by room dividing screens⁣
⚠️COVID screening questions will be asked when you arrive⁣
⚠️Each space will be disinfected after each patient/visit⁣
⚠️Hand sanitizer will be provided when you enter the store and in the clinic space⁣

We ask that you stay home and schedule a virtual appointment if they have symptoms, have recently traveled, have been in contact with someone who has tested positive or have tested positive themselves since we cannot see you in-person.⁣

We can’t wait to see you!!! ❤️?? #theherbalclinicanddispensary