This quote from Edith Eger really struck a chord. (I recently read her book, The Choice, and it was ? ?)
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As soon as I heard this quote, I thought YES. I’ve always operated on the belief that ? ??????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ????????? ?????????? ?? ??? ?? ???.
I recently went though a slump, was feeling depressed, when a friend made an astute observation: “??’? ??????? ???’?? ?? ??????; ??? ???? ???????? ? ???????? ??????? ??? ?????’? ??????? ??? ???? ???.” It was a nail on head moment ? ? – reflecting something back that I’m acutely aware of yet had completely missed in myself. We all have blind spots.
???? ?? ????’? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??????, ??’? ?? ?? ??’?? ????? ?? ? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??. Our mental health takes a toll, and it also impacts our body in many different ways.
I love working with my patients to generate ideas for ways to express that part of themselves that isn’t getting airtime, while also releasing the stagnant energy the body is carrying.
The Spring season is also associated with creativity. ? ??????? ???? ???????? ?? ????????, we just have to find what YOUR type of creativity is.
Some artists come for a session to work on writer’s block, for example. When we get the Liver qi flowing, it helps us think outside the box and come up with more ideas.
I could ramble on about how this quote impacted me. But I’d love to hear from you.
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