Full Moon in Cancer: A 2020 Reflection

​Welcome, Full Moon in Cancer ? ♋️⁣

This full moon brings the ??????? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ????. We’ve had an unusual year of two full moons and two new moons in Cancer in 2020, highlighting time and time again the themes of ????, ??????, ?????, ??????, ????????, ???????.⁣

Uninhibited, this full moon shines brightly in her home sign, and ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ? ??? ?????.⁣

For reflection… ?⁣

♋️ Did you face any challenges in family dynamics? If so, what did you learn from these challenges?⁣

♋️ What insights did you gain around history, roots, or lineage that you can carry into 2021?⁣

♋️ Did your thinking (or feeling) around what it means to feel safe change this year? What does it mean to you now? Do a 5 minute, of stream-of-consciousness writing on feeling safe.⁣

♋️ Did your relationship to your body, and/or food shift this year?⁣

♋️ Emotions are a big theme of Cancer and the Moon. Did you explore your emotions in a deeper way? How has your relationship with your emotional landscape changed since January of 2020?⁣

♋️What brought you comfort this year?⁣

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Wishing you many blessings on this last full moon of 2020.⁣


?:⁣ @willoharephotography