The next eclipse is tomorrow, July 4!
Buckle up: ???? ???? ?? ?????????, lighting up the Capricorn – Cancer axis (again, but the last for awhile).
A full moon eclipse is not the time to start any new, grand endeavors / routines / projects. Take the added pressure off yourself -you’ll be feeling enough already with the energy of this full moon.
My challenge to you with this one?
To ???????.
? Witnessing is hard work.
? Especially when mercury is retrograde and squaring mars (!) . This square can highlight the ??? or bring clashing communication. Now amplify that by the full moon eclipse (!!). Wherever this falls in your personal chart, we’re talking ??????? energy. But in the Cancer/Capricorn axis, this energy can be both ???????? (♋️) and ??????????? (♑️), with the potential for energetic surges that are hard to release – or, put more positively – ???? ? ??????? ??????.
? Full moon eclipses are not the time to initiate, yet this energy will make you want to DO something with it all. So I’m not saying sit at home on your couch and bottle it up! However, ??????? ???????? for the next 48 hours from setting any new intentions or starting new routines.
? Instead, ??????? what you’re feeling. If you have energy to release, find healthy ways to clear it. Use it to do a good workout, purge your closets, let go of emotions or physical things that create internal chaos & external clutter.
? Steady yourself as best you can, keeping in mind the long game. Be mindful of the ego and be extra kind with your words ?? You may have more to say, but remember to LISTEN. Others are feeling a lot right now, too.
On that note, thanks for ‘listening’ to this, and I’m here to listen, too! What’s coming up for you on this full moon?