My Summer Beverage Obsession

Sugar Free Non Alcoholic Summer Beverage

????? ??????! I want to share with you my ?????? ???????? ?????????…⁣

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Hibiscus is a cooling and refreshing tea, great for summer. (Note if you have low blood pressure, avoid or use hibiscus sparingly, as it can lower blood pressure.) ⁣

Rosemary is slightly warming, enough to keep it balanced and add a unique accent of flavour. It’s also great for circulation. ⁣

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? Gather some loose-leaf dried hibiscus and rosemary. (@theherbalclinic is a good place to grab some!)⁣

? Brew an extra strong batch of hibiscus & rosemary tea, at a ratio of 2:1 (2 parts hibiscus: 1 part Rosemary). I like to make almost 1 litre to have extra on hand.⁣

Let the tea cool for an hour, then put in a glass jar in the fridge to chill for a few hours. You can store it in the fridge for a week or so.⁣

? When ready to drink, fill a mason jar with 1/3 tea mix and 2/3 soda water. ⁣

? I like to add a squeeze of lemon juice to make it extra tart & refreshing.⁣

And yes, in case you noticed: while it may not be the 100% TCM thing to do, even *I* will put a few ice-cubes in my drink in +40 degree weather! (albeit with room temperature bubbly ?)⁣

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Try it and let me know what you think! Have a great weekend ? ⁣

#summerdrinks #alcoholfree #healthydrinks #coolingsummerdrinks #patiodrink #nonalcoholic #quenchyourthirst #summer2020⁣

#acupuncture #torontoacupuncturist #chinesemedicine #tcm

#tcmlove #chinesemedicinewoman #acupuncturelife

#healthylifestyle #healthmatters #onthetable #refreshing #hiciscus #rosemary #caffeinefreeicedtea #cheers