The Dance of Anger

?? ????? ?? ????? by Harriet Lerner. ⁣

My recommended Spring read, very apropos of #ChineseMedicine which connects Spring with the Liver and the associated emotions of Anger. ⁣

And sharing this on a Mars ruled day, apropos of Anger (& Co) in #Astrology as well!⁣

Other words around “Anger”: ??????????, ???????????, ????????????, ????; ?????, ???????, ?????????????, ??????.⁣

????? & ??. ??? ??????? ???????? – ???? ????????? ??? ????????? ?????????????.⁣

Do you tend to direct your anger inward, or outward?⁣

Me? Inward. There was a time when I could barely identify with the emotion itself ?‍♀️ (which didn’t mean it wasn’t there!)⁣

Learning astrology confirmed how I’ve been prone to inwardly directing my anger to the point of not even seeing it (seriously mind blowing ?). And through Chinese Medicine, I learned how this was playing out in my body (equally ? !).⁣

It’s a universal, year-round emotion, but spring in particular is a great time to work with it.⁣

This book is a excellent resource. Not a book just for ‘women’, as it includes the dance of anger in relationships and family systems, too.⁣

????-???? is KEY (in my very biased opinion) in helping us adopt a healthy relationship to anger, to our bodies, and life itself.⁣

If you want to explore this more in an acupuncture session, link in bio to book. ⁣

If interested in an astrology reading, I will likely be opening up spots late spring/early summer. Stay tuned.⁣

???? ??? ???? ???? ????? Would love to know your thoughts! ⁣

