“Embrace the journey into yourself and watch it shift the world around you.”
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic approach.
All treatments involve a relaxed, conversational-style intake, assessment & treatment plan.
Chinese medicine emcompasses many tools and modalities.
A session with me can include any of the following, depending on your needs:
Gua sha
Tongue & Pulse assessment
Auricular AcuDetox
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural, safe and effective way to improve complexion, reduce signs of aging, to look and feel younger.
Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine services are HST exempt and covered by some extended health benefits.
Laura is licensed through CTCMPAO (the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario).
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine services are HST exempt and covered by some extended health benefits.
Please check with your provider.
Are you an Arts Worker on a limited budget?
Laura appreciates the financial realities of working in the arts industry.
Contact Laura directly for session options & rates.
“Health is for everyone.”
Laura is proud to be offering community acupuncture on Wednesdays @ the Herbal Clinic in Roncesvalles, a neighborhood gem.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a structured, complete system of medicine that has been crafted and successfully practiced for thousands of years. It offers a holistic approach that centers around achieving optimal health & wellbeing through internal balance.
In addition, Chinese Medicine is more than the medicine itself. It is a way of life that is wise, powerful & transformative.
When we follow the Tao, our life is enriched.
This is the most asked question for newbies! And it’s okay – I understand the fear!
My technique is gentle, yet effective. The needles themselves are filiform (thread-like) and people generally do not experience much discomfort. My aim is that your acupuncture experience be relaxing, and perhaps even blissful.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic approach. All treatments involve a relaxed, conversational-style intake, assessment & treatment plan. Any of the following may apply, depending on your needs: Acupuncture, Acupressure, Nutrition & Dietary Recommendations, Cupping, Moxabustion, Gua Sha, Herbal Medicine, Lifestyle Solutions, Tonge & Pulse Diagnostics, and the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) Protocol.
Nutrition is a hot topic, with new and often contradictory information being blasted through the media at us well-meaning, health-conscious folx. Diet trends come and go, and there is a tendency in our culture is to adopt a more ‘all or nothing’ approach – ie. a particular food is “good” or “bad”, often using scare tactics to drive sales.
Eastern nutrition looks at the properties and qualities of a food: whether it is warm or cool, bitter or sweet, light or heavy, what direction it goes in the body, and what organ system it supports. Foods will be recommended based on what properties the body needs to bring itself into balance, which is again dependent on the individual patient, and the season.
I loooove TCM nutrition. It’s the only way of eating that has ever felt like a deep, loving YES in my body – like nothing I’d experienced until I discovered it.
The short answer? Maybe!
Following an intake and TCM diagnosis, herbal medicine may or may not be prescribed. Only a registered Chinese Medicine practitioner (an R.TCMP) can prescribe TCM herbal formulas.
When prescribed and taken as directed, herbs can be safe and beneficial to use in conjunction with other treatments and medications. However, there are certain Drug Herb Interactions that can be dangerous, and it is important that you let your practitioner know which medications and supplements you are taking.
I am so grateful to be able to learn, live, and practice Chinese medicine.
As an English speaking white person practicing Chinese medicine in Canada, I understand that there will be gaps in translation and limitations to my knowledge of the medicine.
I strive to practice with humility and authenticity, and am dedicated to being a lifelong learner.
“Run as far as you can in the direction of your best and happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal.”